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  • Are you losing your voice singing or frequently singing out of tune?

  • Struggle to reach the high notes in your favourite songs?

  • Don't like the sound of your voice and wish it sounded better?

  • Are you uncomfortable singing in public and wish you had more confidence?

  • Would you like to sing like your favourite singers and touch the audience like they do?

If you really want to BE A GOOD SINGER

you have to cover 5 turning points:



1.  You need to EXTEND YOUR RANGE. If you really want to get good at singing you have to EXTEND YOUR RANGE because you wanna be able to HIT THE HIGH NOTES, without straining.  To get your voice in tune, you need to use all the palette of sounds that you already have but don’t know how to access. Extending your range will enable you to sing all your favourite songs at your best all the time.


2.  You gotta sing EFFORTLESSLY. If you love singing, your voice has got to last song after song, day in and day out. You don't want to hurt your vocal chords. Wouldn't it be amazing if you could hit the high ranges, with no effort, no pain, and you just felt AMAZING?  -- Uplifted and full of energy after you sing, and you SOUND phenomenal too!


3.  You probably want to do more than sing in the shower, right? If so, You’ll want to be CONFIDENT and become aware of your SUPERPOWERS. These are the things that you are already so good at that you don't even see. When you can start to see those natural talents and gifts through the eyes of an experienced voice coach, you can begin to truly APPRECIATE YOURSELF. You stop judging yourself, and you have tons of confidence which MAKES YOUR VOICE EVEN BETTER, so people will love you and you’ll love yourself.


4.  You have to discover your SIGNATURE SOUND! Every voice has a unique, particular, even peculiar quality to it that is beautiful.  It  makes your voice authentic and real and completely distinct from other people's voices. And so, we want to discover what is your signature sound, what is your real voice, what are the best parts of what you do, so that you are UNIQUE, and identifiable.  That way you don’t just sound  like everybody else.  You’ll finally STAND UP AND SHINE.

5.  The last thing that is so important when you are PERFORMING is TO TOUCH AND MOVE THE AUDIENCE right? Isn't that what music is all about? We love songs because we can feel the emotion of the person singing. What most singers don’t know is that there is a way to PUT YOUR HEART into your voice that touches and moves the audience. It's a combination of connecting to your emotions, connecting to what you are saying, and vocal technique. When you get that magic combination just right, you will be able TO TOUCH AND MOVE THE AUDIENCE too.

Not sure if you have already covered one or more turning points?


Do you want to get clear on what are the next best steps to take 

to become the kind of singer you always wanted to be?

Book your Free

1-hour Strategy Session

Thanks! I will get in touch with you soon!

What My Students Say

I recently had the pleasure of receiving a lesson from Better Voice Lessons and it truly was a wonderful experience. Plinny makes you feel comfortable with her lovely personality and charm that will instantly relax you into a lesson. Her lesson is taylored to the individual where she feels out for improvements while noticing strengths. I felt more confident and sure of myself only after one lesson and found out that we are all capable of achieving what we want with the right guidance and confidence. I recommend her to all singers, amateur to professional. Thank you once again for this amazing experience.

Daviid Kozak - Musician and Founder of RockStar Karaoke


An amazing experience. I enjoyed every moment and Plinny is such a master at what she does. Thank you!

Kate Boland - Irish Pro Singer

Waterford - Ireland

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Plinny Phoenix is an international Singer, Vocal & Performance Coach and Founder of Better Voice Now.

She specializes in helping beginners and hobbyist singers to extend their vocal range, to sing effortlessly, and to discover their signature sound.

Her students learn how to touch and move audiences so that they become the kind of singers they’ve always wanted to be!


Plinny has performed in the Canary Islands, Austria, and Italy and can frequently be found performing with her band The Jaffa Cakes in Dublin, and has performed at fun places such as Aviva Stadium, Blooms Festival, and Grand Social Pub.


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